The idea for the McGinniss Himmel Insurance Agency started in late 2008 as just two friends and a problem to be solved.
With many major insurance companies leaving the state of Florida, and the home insurance market in turmoil, there was a need going unfulfilled. Our goal was simply to help guide homeowners to the right company and right coverages. We began a relationship with the VanAllen Insurance Agency in Inverness Florida, and in June 2009 started their Tallahassee branch.
When we opened our doors we had some hand me down desks, two computers, a few used phones, and a total of two clients. Those two clients were Allen McGinniss and Michael Himmel. Two knowledgeable insurance agents… scared completely out of their minds.
Since then, we’ve grown to 10 team members, finally gotten rid of those ridiculous old desks, and in January 2015 that Tallahassee branch officially became the McGinniss Himmel Insurance Agency.
We are incredibly thankful for the support from our clients, friends, family, business partners, and especially Linda VanAllen. Without all your help, our little idea wouldn’t have become such a great story.

Who Are We?
We Help Others - The entire purpose of what we do is to help others.
We Take Care of our Friends & Neighbors - Don't just “look out” for them. DO what you can to take care of them.
We are a Team/Family/Community - We root for each other. Success is sweeter as a team; failure isn't as difficult as a community.
We Smile (a lot) - Simple and powerful, a smile can change someone’s day. A smile is the best way to let someone know you care.
We are Givers - “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” -Winston Churchill.
We are Empathetic - We should feel how the person on the other side of the desk feels. It puts us in a better position to help.
We are Sincere, Polite and Complimentary - We look for the good things in each other and make sure to point them out. If you have a nice thought, put it in words. We say “Please” and “Thank you”. We use people's names.
We Listen - We have two ears and one mouth and we use them proportionally. If you’re talking, you’re not learning. Listening is a great way to understand and show you care.
We Communicate Clearly & Openly - We’re not mind readers. We have to clearly tell each other what we need and how we feel or we’re doomed to guessing.
We Ask “Why” to Understand - Understanding trumps memorization. We understand to better solve the problem. Understanding is key to helping.
We Challenge “The Way It’s Always Been Done” to Get Better - We evolve as we go. An ever changing environment and world require challenges to the status quo to be better than the rest. Constant evolution is better than dramatic change.